Selasa, 1 November 2011


Hyep. sangat2 cantek date harini.. haha. i love it. for me who likes number one, plus my birth date is one, lagi la seronok tengok date ni. no wonder im smiling when i woke up this morning :) okey, cik eldy senyum sikit aje oke. hahahaha

I wish something great happen today.. and i guess here it is.. from no where someone yang dah lame hilang tibe2 muncul hari ni wake me up with anonymous call. :) even my yesterday not so good, but im sure today is better. thank God who give me the strength when i most needed it..  

Writing for no reason.. but somehow i want to tell something.. appreciate and be grateful on whatever you have now.. cuz.. what makes me say so is.. when i am upset, i try not to neglect others who with me.. and what i get, is a loud lough, a fun time which take me out from my worse feeling.. i end up go home with smile until i fall asleep. sometime frustration always around. so get use to it.. fill your time another way, so u'll at list forget why you need to cry all the night.. i used to cry until i fall asleep with tears. but it just tired. nothing even change if i cry like a river.. so, i dont say its a fool to cry, but enough is enough. give a space to your self and find the strength to get over it.. 

Okay, nak chaw. malam ni ade champion league. nak pi karoke sat then tengok bola~ 


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