Sabtu, 6 Mac 2010

burfday yaww!!

heyya.26feb suda dtg. and its my burfday. 21 years ago,here i come start my first breath, start my whole life. taon ni 2kali gak aku ptg kek. thanks to my mum specially yg terbaik wok! my family and teman2 yg setia ade dgn ku saat ini.
cuz of nite aku patot pegi ke mOS,Ministry Of Sound, Sunway, so petangnye eiji and the geng buat bbq party kat pool rumahnye. aku sampai je asap2 da nampak. nampak si eiji beriye2 kipas bbq tuh. sgt happy tgk dorg time tu. si jon da selamat dlm pool. yg laen LIYA,DINA,HAIKAL, CHIKEN, ADAM, ALONG adess..lg 4 org. da lepak2 cte pasal mlm ni..bbq tu mmg bapak best la. maid eiji yg wat.
mmg terbaek. aku mmg satu haram pic tak amek. pic sume kat camera adam.nnt aku amek aku upload. then x sangke la plak aku dorg ade kek. they sang the birthday song,buat aku taching kaber2..haha.blow the candle and cut it. haikal yg tbe2 lari wat aku cuak je kne baling pape ni,tbe2 dtg nan box adiah. adoyai. and the rest. plg best present dr EIJI shayunk. sepasang kasot vincci. aiyayay!! besh2. tenks tu liya and dina me gegel. ingt aku selamat.upenye tak pasal2 betepek cream kek kat aku.hadeh. stat la adegan kejo mengejo. yg paling bijak si dina ngan along, tros masok pool. so mmg tade sape brani nk kotokan pool tu.wakaka.mmg cream yg plg cepat abes. haselnye aku yg comot. haha. tp mmg saket prot aku det day.gelak2 dan gelak. takde kate aku nk say thanks pade semua,tp cume itulah yg terbaik aku bole kate.. terima kasih SHAyuNk ku sumee!!

Malam plak,laen agenda. MOS meeting. wakaka. aku,AZIE and DARK. mmg da plan dr dat day lg. then got call from ARM,shes coming too with WANN and ADEK. sweet. but bakal ade clashh! adess.. aku nk sgt spend time nan dorg skali cuz i heard they coming cuz birthday. im trying my best to be with both. plg bapak geram bile MOS pack gile kot mlm tu..adoyaii.. nak naek atas pon payah. dorg kat atas.aku kat bawah. suprise plak..kecik ade skali.adoyai. he must want me to be there. while party still on kat bwh. dgn AJIEp and friend skali. ramae bona askar die.haha. dgn call masok betubi2,msg lagi. sebe salah gile tk dapat pikap sume call. ayam,jon and aiman sangkot sal clash plan,so not in. hectic gile mlm tu. nk cite sume
..wahaha..takpe2 tayah2. sgt la panjang. bile siren mos da bunyik para askar sume kua. jumpe kat lua. aku betuka kete, next, sesi minom2 kat aSia CafE. aku da dgn arm, wan,adek KECHIk,IWaN,AMy sis,maMat,EKin,KOyaK pluss few sunway buddy yg ade skali malam tuh. feztime aku jumpe kakak kecik yg comel.hohoho. we seems fit each other pasal mcm same je sengal. die dak2 panggey looser,aku plak sering dipanggel noob. wakaka.yg kecik plg best la,complete da kakak,abg nan spupu skali dlm MOS tuh td.adoyai. kat situ(asia cafe) la bru dpt aku mlayan sape yg call aku. hug and kisses to ARy,ANgAh and JAJA who fill me with their presence even though they are not 2gether with me there. mwahhx! and, in meantime the night fill with LOve and LoUgh,ade la kejadian2 yg tak pat aku citekan.wakaka. konon nye dat day aku nk kaber2 cun sudahnye comot gak. pasal pnat gile ngan keramaian kat mos tuh, kejo sini sane. klam kabutnye la aku. adoi. padan muke aku si comot peloh2.mekap pon da out.wakaka. thanks too all the wishes,and present. and time u guys spend with me.NO woRDs CAN DEScriBE My APpRECiatioN . LOVe yOU So MUch guyS!! ALways!!!!
pic sgt2 terhad. dr fon aku byk yg out. bideo byk lew. but kenot load la.

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