heyya.26feb suda dtg. and its my burfday. 21 years ago,here i come start my first breath, start my whole life. taon ni 2kali gak aku ptg kek. thanks to my mum specially yg terbaik wok! my family and teman2 yg setia ade dgn ku saat ini.
cuz of nite aku patot pegi ke mOS,Ministry Of Sound, Sunway, so petangnye eiji and the geng buat bbq party kat pool rumahnye. aku sampai je asap2 da nampak. nampak si eiji beriye2 kipas bbq tuh. sgt happy tgk dorg time tu. si jon da selamat dlm pool. yg laen LIYA,DINA,HAIKAL, CHIKEN, ADAM, ALONG adess..lg 4 org. da lepak2 cte pasal mlm ni..bbq tu mmg bapak best la. maid eiji yg wat. mmg terbaek. aku mmg satu haram pic tak amek. pic sume kat camera adam.nnt aku amek aku upload. then x sangke la plak aku dorg ade kek. they sang the birthday song,buat aku taching plak..tp kaber2..haha.blow the candle and cut it. haikal yg tbe2 lari wat aku cuak je kne baling pape ni,tbe2 dtg nan box adiah. adoyai. and the rest. plg best present dr EIJI shayunk. sepasang kasot vincci. aiyayay!! besh2. tenks tu liya and dina me gegel. ingt aku selamat.upenye tak pasal2 betepek cream kek kat aku.hadeh. stat la adegan kejo mengejo. yg paling bijak si dina ngan along, tros masok pool. so mmg tade sape brani nk kotokan pool tu.wakaka.mmg cream yg plg cepat abes. haselnye aku yg comot. haha. tp mmg saket prot aku det day.gelak2 dan gelak. takde kate aku nk say thanks pade semua,tp cume itulah yg terbaik aku bole kate.. terima kasih SHAyuNk ku sumee!!
Malam plak,laen agenda. MOS meeting. wakaka. aku,AZIE and DARK. mmg da plan dr dat day lg. then got call from ARM,shes coming too with WANN and ADEK. sweet. but bakal ade clashh! adess.. aku nk sgt spend time nan dorg skali cuz i heard they coming cuz birthday. im trying my best to be with both. plg bapak geram bile MOS pack gile kot mlm tu..adoyaii.. nak naek atas pon payah. dorg kat atas.aku kat bawah. suprise plak..kecik ade skali.adoyai. he must want me to be there. while party still on kat bwh. dgn AJIEp and friend skali. ramae bona askar die.haha. dgn call masok betubi2,msg lagi. sebe salah gile tk dapat pikap sume call. ayam,jon and aiman sangkot sal clash plan,so not in. hectic gile mlm tu. nk cite sume..wahaha..takpe2 tayah2. sgt la panjang. bile siren mos da bunyik para askar sume kua. jumpe kat lua. aku betuka kete, next, sesi minom2 kat aSia CafE. aku da dgn arm, wan,adek KECHIk,IWaN,AMy sis,maMat,EKin,KOyaK pluss few sunway buddy yg ade skali malam tuh. feztime aku jumpe kakak kecik yg comel.hohoho. we seems fit each other pasal mcm same je sengal. die dak2 panggey looser,aku plak sering dipanggel noob. wakaka.yg kecik plg best la,complete da kakak,abg nan spupu skali dlm MOS tuh td.adoyai. kat situ(asia cafe) la bru dpt aku mlayan sape yg call aku. hug and kisses to ARy,ANgAh and JAJA who fill me with their presence even though they are not 2gether with me there. mwahhx! and, in meantime the night fill with LOve and LoUgh,ade la kejadian2 yg tak pat aku citekan.wakaka. konon nye dat day aku nk kaber2 cun sudahnye comot gak. pasal pnat gile ngan keramaian kat mos tuh, kejo sini sane. klam kabutnye la aku. adoi. padan muke aku si comot peloh2.mekap pon da out.wakaka. thanks too all the wishes,and present. and time u guys spend with me.NO woRDs CAN DEScriBE My APpRECiatioN . LOVe yOU So MUch guyS!! ALways!!!!
Sabtu, 6 Mac 2010
Ahad, 21 Februari 2010
ding. last friday im not doing anything. just main poker and poker.haha. then fon rang. miya call. ajak lepak rupenye..sal da lme gile tak jumpe.mmg pon. die pon lme gile senyap tbe2 call kte nk dtg. with her bf n katenye kwn sorg. then,aku pon mandi lew.siap2. dont have idea whre we goin. so dlm kol 9 tuh die pon sampai. sampai je die lari kat aku.aku ingt rindu sgt,but "eh,yg aku bawak ni ko kenal tau! ah? ko pnye best fren! wud??? aku blurr jap. "dlu korg bestfren.and die pon tatau yg aku nk jumpe ni ko." lol.dlu?? sape ni.?? mne celah lak die knal bestfren aku nih.? adoi. then she ask ko knal seng tak? im like wud?? aku tros lari g kat kete and aaaarrr!!! adess..kuat gile aku jerit.haha. damn. mne celah plak si miya ni knal sidek aku nihhh..??!! warghh..kcik tol dunie nih. mmg suprise lol. adoi..lame gile aku tak jumpe seng nih.. since psk kat bukit jalil tak silap aku. adess..miya nih mmg. brite plg best lak rupenye dorg couple! waa..best2! so dlm tekejut tu lupe plak got the other one guy yg sebok men psp kat seblah aku. kechik namenye.tadelah kcik pon.adess.. so,were heading to wangsa maju.makan2. where else..port lame,NZ. haha. da sembang2 mmg tringat lak zaman dolu2. zaman scoot scene. mmg aku nan seng best fren ever! mane2 same2. byk gile kot kenangan. tp scoot tu pon dah takde..isk. yg aku plik mne si miya tau sal aku nan seng ni and celah mne dorg knal.adoi.aku agak mespes ni.hehe. rupenye mse dorg da couple tu ade bkk page aku pastu seng pon cte la agaknye. huhu. i was happy to know they were 2gether. i hope they have best in each other. and rupenye si kechik ni pon knal dak2 scoot s.alam. adess..pusing2 situ gak.huhu =p afta dinner n chatting,rupenye dah plan nk g karoke nan abg miya. so change venue lak kat superstar wangsa walk. melalak la disane..wah.seng rupenye kaki karoke gak.hehe. the end of the nite thanks 2 miya cuz gile sengal wat suprise cani kat aku. bang2! haha. pastu tak puas agy,nk g usha dataran lak. eheh. lepak sne talk2. gelak2. snap2. while mereke bedeting,aku pon sembang lew nan kechik. lol.sal scene2 kudulu. then,cam da lewat jew so, ending die cam bese la,mkn dlu.haha. we had supper kt area sentul je.then back home! plan esok maybe mos.adess..pon boley la.haha. 
Isnin, 15 Februari 2010
bukan hard hearted.
lahai nape yek. org tabley time bile aku aku jawab soklan dorang. im single. dats all. tak caye lah ape lah. adoii.. orang yg rapat nan aku plak akan ckp, haha.die ni gile sket. orang nk kenal pon die boleh wat bodoh je. adess.. tah lew. aku tade la marah ke ape korg nk becinte. tp aku, later2 pon boley la.haha. yg plg kelako ble dapat soklan, cane aku ni cemerlang keras kan hati ah? haha.. cene la aku nk jawab. aku bukan la keraskan aty pasal frust ngan previous relationship ke ape. tp aku suke2. sebenarnye perangai slumber bodo ni yg wat aku nmpak cam tade feeling. yg kenal aku tau le cane kot. perangai aku yg camni ketare dlm semenjak 2 menjak ni. makin langsi makin sengal. scare ta langsong,mne ade org nk ade heart feeling kat minah prangai camtu.hehe. even care ni da gagal dgn angah dulu,tp aku harap takde org mcm die lg yg sengal boleh nmpak aku comel.wakaka. aclty da lme aku takde pk2 pasal ni. tapi ade plak seorang sahabat yg asek nk korek je sal ni..adoi.. tu yg boleh terkua plak minda ke situ..aku ni nk soh cari mmg tak nak la.no point aku rase aku nak cari2. kelaka sgt2. if there 4 us, die akan datang sendri yg kadang2 kite pon tak sedar. tu yg best. macam previous relationship aku dgn namenye rahsie.haha. its beutiful even mmg kitorg tak mcm couple. wahaha.. pasal takde pon gado betol2.sume main2. kalah men ps la, nak makan mcd ato kfc la.. cari tempat breakfast tok aku la.. pasal bola mmg gado btol la.wahaha. n mcm2 la bende yg wat gado tp sebenarnye awal2 lg die sorang da mengalah. paling aku thanks kat die bile die sorang je yg boleh tahan aku besiap. wahaha.. plg gile,adek aku pon tak tahan,die redho jek dlm kete boleh habiskan metro dgn utusan skali!! . adess.. sgt supportive,dan plg pelik, suke aku nasehat die. take a moment 4 us to talk,and he will ask my advice.he love listening what i want him to do 4 living. about us, nothing pon kot. he being himself is enough 4me. plg penting ble die rase cukup ble die ade aku, die sgt2 tranparent and aku tak pnah pon tarik blk kepercayaan aku kat die. susa nk carik org yg boleh adap org sengal cam aku nih. but he got the key. lepas tu aku aku jadi malas jawab bile soalan yg datang dlu sebelum perbuatan (not even try). he try evrything.and he got my feelings. hubungan yg sangat serasi ni tipu la aku kate aku tak syg. tapi aku pon tak paham sal de abes kat situ.tapi yg aku paham there no us anymore now.so, let it be only memory and same2 go on. terbaek wok.boleh plak aku story2 sal die. janji die tak bace sudey. haha. ini pon dah berakhir lame. cte2 lame je ni,,hehe. skang lak sepeti sedia maklum, aku becinte ngan poker dan budak2 sunway yg gile. kadang2 aku gay,kadang2 aku penkek. ikot suke aku jek. lalala. sunguh warna warni hidup nih. dah2.aku da pnat. later2.
Khamis, 4 Februari 2010

selar seni dari hati.
coret warna menghiasi.
lakaran kasar menjadi cerita.
garisan halus menjadi isi.
siapa tahu.
apa maksud suara seni..
mungkin juga.
luka pedih.
atau cerita sedih.
kalau mampu ku lukis.
ingin ku lukis hidup ini.
biar yg indah2..
biar yg cantik belaka..
tanpa cacat cela luka..
biar byk warnanya..
biar penuh dalamnya..
aku mau ia SEMPURNA...
me cOoking??!!
ahah!! know wud..its like having ma new hobby. haha!! cooking yaaww!! lol.pluss when my eating habbit now increasing up double.duhh.. =p its start wen i saw pan buat roti jale tu kat umah. and im wondering how to make it?!! technology help me.haha. i browse the recipe on the internet.yey. and found the best recipe site! so..im start to note what i need. dengan exciting nye aku pon pegi ke kdai dgn my bro,bli itu ini and dont forget kari.haha.cuz aku tatao la nk msak kari. tgh nk seting2,dtg lak dak2 jiran kuh.ahah.agak kecoh la bile tau aku nk menjale nih. so,selamat la bile dorg ngan adek aku kua g lepak umah seblah.. so dgn tabah nye aku buat tepung. da siap aku try la menjale. the fez one,tak jadi sgt. second one! yey! ahaha.. suku pertame,aku wat 5 keping,aku yg tibai dlu! haha. and tgk kan tepung tu,mmg byk gile plak aku wat..adoi..mne aku tau.. so dgn semangat waja aku abes kan..adesss.. mmg byk! sudahnye, dapo yg besepah! wakakka..but i clean it up b4 mums get back. setel je budak2 blk.ehehehe..mmg mantop roti jale aku! plg best,mcm tak ckop la plakkk!!
next day,aku nk wat dessert lak. sbb aku ske mkn bnde camtu. haselnye,hahaha..mlm tu gak abes! hari2 berikutnye aku wat bnde yg same. adek n mak aku mmg suke. this is excite of cooking when people love ur food! then..plg best,aku jumpe resipi puding caramel.! haha..pe lgik! aku pon wat..mak aku kate..sgt sedap!! yeyy!! mak aku pon plik..ble plak minah ni suke masak.adoi..aku pon tak tau. akhirnye suke gak aku ke dapo. kaki sepah dapo.haha!! tros terang plak..adess.. next gile best aku nk wat ebimayo. yaww..japanese food! ahah.


next day,aku nk wat dessert lak. sbb aku ske mkn bnde camtu. haselnye,hahaha..mlm tu gak abes! hari2 berikutnye aku wat bnde yg same. adek n mak aku mmg suke. this is excite of cooking when people love ur food! then..plg best,aku jumpe resipi puding caramel.! haha..pe lgik! aku pon wat..mak aku kate..sgt sedap!! yeyy!! mak aku pon plik..ble plak minah ni suke masak.adoi..aku pon tak tau. akhirnye suke gak aku ke dapo. kaki sepah dapo.haha!! tros terang plak..adess.. next gile best aku nk wat ebimayo. yaww..japanese food! ahah.
Rabu, 13 Januari 2010
ALPHA DOG - movie review
ahah. nak bg cadangan pada sesape yang tgh carik cite best nk tgk dan aku suke gak klo korang g cari cite ni. pade aku yg memang suke dgn cerite2 true story ni mmg anggap cte ni sgt best la. so i wanna give my review.
for me the movie are awesome! base on true story in 1999. i watch it more then 7 times with san.haha. its our fav story. lagi best sebab pelakon2 die. justin timberlake,ben foster and bruce willis. starting dari budak2 drug dealer secare tak langsong tertangkap adik satu dari pusher dorang. yang sebenarnye takde niat langsong nak mengkidnap budak ni. budak ni plak kebetulan baru keluar dari umah sebab lari dari mak die. tapi kidnap tak mcm kidnap cuz budak ni da suke geng frankie (justin) tapi jonhny da cuak sbab kalo disabit kesalahan,it was life sentence.. dalam mase 3 hari,dorang besame, u will not aspect the ending. 38 saksi, seorang budak 15 tahun, keluarga yang risaukan anak dorang.. dan geng2 yang cuba nak tutupan kesilapan... haha..i am not really good in movie review, tapi byk lagi yg nak cte sebenarnye.. i really love this movie, tapi ending nye agak tak keruan gak..
mase movie ni siap,johny trulove masih lagi dalam perbicaraan, ade kawan2 yg sudah dijatuhkan hukuman. lakonan Ben Foster yg paling aku suke dlm cte ni. so,ill give ya the trailer of the movie. harap2 korang g cari n tengok cte ni. =p
ALPHA DOG (base on true story)
for me the movie are awesome! base on true story in 1999. i watch it more then 7 times with san.haha. its our fav story. lagi best sebab pelakon2 die. justin timberlake,ben foster and bruce willis. starting dari budak2 drug dealer secare tak langsong tertangkap adik satu dari pusher dorang. yang sebenarnye takde niat langsong nak mengkidnap budak ni. budak ni plak kebetulan baru keluar dari umah sebab lari dari mak die. tapi kidnap tak mcm kidnap cuz budak ni da suke geng frankie (justin) tapi jonhny da cuak sbab kalo disabit kesalahan,it was life sentence.. dalam mase 3 hari,dorang besame, u will not aspect the ending. 38 saksi, seorang budak 15 tahun, keluarga yang risaukan anak dorang.. dan geng2 yang cuba nak tutupan kesilapan... haha..i am not really good in movie review, tapi byk lagi yg nak cte sebenarnye.. i really love this movie, tapi ending nye agak tak keruan gak..
mase movie ni siap,johny trulove masih lagi dalam perbicaraan, ade kawan2 yg sudah dijatuhkan hukuman. lakonan Ben Foster yg paling aku suke dlm cte ni. so,ill give ya the trailer of the movie. harap2 korang g cari n tengok cte ni. =p
ALPHA DOG (base on true story)
Selasa, 12 Januari 2010
skating scene??
hah.tetibew jek.. ive read my old REVOLUTION magazine..and tibe2 je nk tules pasal skating.. and nak post bideo neh.
mmg sengal la video ni. mmg volume tbe2 je naek tgk kan..sumpah saket! wahaha. but im glad it from malaysia.hak2.. pluss aku dlu pon men skate gak.. memang risk jatoh tu byk laa.. haha.. tapi aku kurang sket jatoh coz tanak men tmpat tinggi sgt. tringat mase time aku dalam skating scene ni.. wahaha..even tak lame tapi fun gile.. tak ingat pnye kan.. skate aku pon da patah psal asek kne ujan.. dlu sume nk Volcom, E's, Element, DC,climax, miz 29, la ape lg aku pon da lupe..huhu.. kdg2 baju2 extream nan echo park pon aku bedal.. yang penting kasut DC ngan etnies aku same kaler ngan kaler skateboard aku. haha. korang ingt senang ke nak carik. :D ..hehe..rindu la geng2 lame tuh.. even aku satu2 nye gurl dlm geng tuh.. (kaki kacau orang sane sini) tp aku rase takde beze pon time tu..yg penting semangat satu hobby kitorang tu... aku tinggalkan scene ni pon psal skolah byk aktiviti time tu..pastu port kitorang dah dipagar..bosan2..ak cari port baru, tak seswai ngan jiwe pastu jauh lak dr umah. mane best maen sket pegi port naek lrt!! hadoiiyai. so, dalam form 5 kot, aku slow2 terjauh dr scene ni. just pegi competition je ngan geng2.. :'(
kepade bekas2 scene ni, aku tau zaman berubah, hobby pon jadi berubah, tp aku slalu jugak nampak skaters tegar kat bukit bintang tu yg wat aku jd bangge. . lg pon extreme sport maseh xtive lagi kan.. yg penting, korang da tinggal ke, still ade papan beroda tu kat umah (tapi da tak men sbb takde geng) ke, yg penting memory2 dulu2 tu aku tau ia sangat best!! so jgn sesekali buang mane2. jumpe membe tu buat2 la tego! hahahha :D
slamat enjoy..bideo yang menyaketkan ni..
weLCoME 2010~
hep.. finally 2010 is here..im glad to welcome 2010 in mylife! and also glad saying good bye to 2009! disaster year. tapi..tentunye aku bersyukur dengan ape yg ditentukan utk aku.. mgkin what i said a disaster is a thing that making me strong learn a lot about how low some people take friendship in their life like.. thanks a lot for that. i learned. haha.
so for the first time,im happy to say goodbye 2009. stepping into 2010 may bring me a new spirit. im not giving up on my self..i am not! wishing people arround me who trully sincere to be with me will be my guts. i have a lots of love..i dont have hatered to give,guys who know me knows that aite.
so enough talking about it..im celebrating 2010 coming at infront of heritage at doraisamy street. the club was pack,so after the fireworks we moving to bukit bintang. walking to Aloha club and the same thing. finally i decide to go to SPin. ahah. finnaly some place we can enter! bukit bintang was damn pack! i heard at the Pavillion got DJ spinning infront of the enterence! lol..if i know,ill go there. so inside the spin,we spend about 2hours there. had fun alot! pluss im with some friends in my neigbourhood. first time with them. quite fun. i hit the floor non stop. goin crazy with unsual happy.haha


at the spin enterence here. haha.sempat! but actly got more frens with us,they still inside. so,before we head back home,we got supper first.meet ma bro first.uh, hes not in this pic,cuz he with the other group lol. when i get back,damn tired.but my few friend from johor called to meet me.wahhh..suprised!! adein,dina n kak ana here!! haha! so i met them.. miss them so much! we had talk and they are leaving tonight. theres no way to picture my feeling tonight. haha poyo kdg2.. but it is.. WELCOME 2010!! MAY BRING JOY,SUCCES AND HAPPINESS ALL THE WAY..AND IMMA BETTER PERSON WHILE CLOCK TICKING. with love~
so for the first time,im happy to say goodbye 2009. stepping into 2010 may bring me a new spirit. im not giving up on my self..i am not! wishing people arround me who trully sincere to be with me will be my guts. i have a lots of love..i dont have hatered to give,guys who know me knows that aite.
so enough talking about it..im celebrating 2010 coming at infront of heritage at doraisamy street. the club was pack,so after the fireworks we moving to bukit bintang. walking to Aloha club and the same thing. finally i decide to go to SPin. ahah. finnaly some place we can enter! bukit bintang was damn pack! i heard at the Pavillion got DJ spinning infront of the enterence! lol..if i know,ill go there. so inside the spin,we spend about 2hours there. had fun alot! pluss im with some friends in my neigbourhood. first time with them. quite fun. i hit the floor non stop. goin crazy with unsual happy.haha
at the spin enterence here. haha.sempat! but actly got more frens with us,they still inside. so,before we head back home,we got supper first.meet ma bro first.uh, hes not in this pic,cuz he with the other group lol. when i get back,damn tired.but my few friend from johor called to meet me.wahhh..suprised!! adein,dina n kak ana here!! haha! so i met them.. miss them so much! we had talk and they are leaving tonight. theres no way to picture my feeling tonight. haha poyo kdg2.. but it is.. WELCOME 2010!! MAY BRING JOY,SUCCES AND HAPPINESS ALL THE WAY..AND IMMA BETTER PERSON WHILE CLOCK TICKING. with love~
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